Safety Management Systems

Safety Management System (SMS) – think of it as your WHS bible!

A set of policies, procedures and templates specifically developed to suit your business and its associated risks. It serves as the foundational framework for implementing, managing and continuously reviewing your WHS compliance obligations as a PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking).

Key benefits of a robust SMS


Identifies and assesses safety risks proactively to prevent accidents.


Ensures compliance with local safety regulations and standards.


Promotes safety awareness and encourages transparent reporting among workers.


Reduces the risk of workplace injuries and associated costs.


Streamlines safety processes, reducing downtime and boosting productivity.


Creates a safer work environment, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention.

What we provide

There is no one-size-fits-all approach. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique business needs and design an effective system based on their operations and associated risks. We can provide everything form one-page documents through to comprehensive safety management systems. 

Generally, the elements that are covered in a tailored SMS will include: 

  • WHS Policies and Procedures
  • Hazard and Risk Management
  • Training and Competency
  • Incident Reporting and Investigation
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • Safety Inspections and Audits
  • Consultation and Communication
  • Documentation and Record Keeping
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance

The Process

Initial Consultation

A kick-off meeting is an effective way for us to understand your business operations and help establish your WHS goals.

Risk Assessment

We identify potential hazards, evaluate associated risks and prioritise them based on severity and likelihood, to fully understand the safety landscape specific to your business operations.


Customisation of your new SMS including creation of all your safety documents, policies and procedures.


Providing you with consultation, training and support to effectively implement your new SMS.


Reviewing your new SMS ensures things are working as it should be and provides opportunity to improve processes.

Other Services

  • Site / Project Specific Management Plans
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Compliance Audits
  • Maintaining Safety Records
  • Ongoing WHS Support

Ready to strengthen your workplace safety?